(the title's for you Jin)
Jeremiah 20:9 But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
I woke up this morning feeling like like someone pumped me full of speed. I literally bounced out of bed with all the energy in the world pumping through my heart. I went for a run, pumped some weights grabbed an americano(single shot instead of my usual double) and drove to San Leandro for a meeting. It's midnight and I still have that wired feeling going on...I think it started on Saturday night and hasn't really stopped since. Back when I was serious about music, I would have an idea for a song and it would eat at me from the inside out. I'd have this burning desire to complete this song that I could feel inside of me and I couldn't rest until I got it all out. Sometimes I'd stay up all through the night writing lyrics and working out the chorus, the bridge the verses and arranging the parts until it was perfect and I could let it go. I feel that way now, except it's about church and God's word. I feel like I have so much that I need to preach and teach and if I don't get it just right it will eat away at me until I explode. I'm excited! (if you couldn't tell) I can identify with Jeremiah's statement...I can't bear holding it in.
5 years ago
1 comment:
awesome. reminds me of the book i'm reading now. if you want to walk on water.. that one. the part i'm reading now talks about finding your calling. =) it's great that you know what your calling is and that you are committed to doing it. =)
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