Most of the people I have met in California seem to really love blogging and have been hounding me to do it, so finally after much consternation...I've given in. I was never good with writing out what I think about things in general. Maybe for a class paper or reflection assignment, but not just to write it out for the heck of it. When I was a kid, I'd try to start a journal to keep track of things going on, but i'd usually write in it a few times each day for about a week and then I'd forget about and eventually chuck it in the trash. I guess I've never liked leaving a written record of my thoughts. I like people, community, friends, openness and all that but as far as my private life goes...i'm not a huge fan of complete disclosure. These last few months however, God has really been working on my heart and I've come to see that maybe I need to open up fully to people, especially since that's what i've been asking all of my church members to do. You can't take people where you're not going. So, after some inward searching, I've come to the conclusion that unless I'm completely transparent with my congregation, I've no business expecting them to be tranparent with one another or with me. So there it is.
The main reason I'm doing this is to have another avenue of communication with the people who matter most to me, particularly those of you in RBC with me. I hope that through this, we will be able to learn more about one another and to become more of the unified community that I know He wants us to be.
5 years ago
welcome to blog~! i havent uploaded in a while.. but i've been trying to get myself to do it.
by the way, mary really doesn't like black background with white text and i'm sure you'll hear about it sometime~ haha
Yay! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through this blog!
I like this quote:
"You can't take people where you're not going."
Mind if I steal it? :)
I love you, man! And I miss you terribly, but I'm glad that you're enjoying God in California.
Your church is blessed to have you.
Dr. Strange! It's Naomi from Christopher Creek days... Glad to see you blogging! I look forward to reading your thoughts. I'm on blogger also at
See you on facebook and the like!
Hannah (squir-tah) says hi!
Hey Brother welcome to the world of blogging!
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